
Artifacts are available to the following:

  • Paid Members

In this article

What is an Artifact?

An artifact is anything that you produce as part of your work. Examples: a word doc, presentation, spreadsheet, diagram, marketing campaign, dashboard, process, documentation, workflow, analysis, etc. In addition to the actual document, the author attaches notes to provide important context about why they created it, what went into it, and how they’d act differently.

Artifacts are not templates. Artifacts are real examples of work created by working professionals. You can use them as a starting point and remix them to build something new.

The best way to get to know artifacts is to try them out. Here are a few examples:

Check out more Artifacts on our Artifacts page.

Creating an Artifact

Interested in submitting an Artifact? You can start the process by heading to our Creators page here or by clicking the Share your work button at the top of your dashboard. You'll be asked a series of basic questions to get you started and someone from our team will review and work with you to get your Artifact published.

A good artifact is an example of real work that you did. Think of something that…

  • Would help someone else doing a similar task
  • You are proud of
  • Helped you learn
  • Does not damage the company you worked for (eg. trade secrets)

Why should I create an Artifact?

Documenting and sharing your work is a great way to let the world know who are, what you’ve done, and what you know. Creating artifacts lets you get beyond just where you worked, and helps you showcase what you’ve done and how you think at each stage of your career.

Here are some reasons that people create artifacts today:

  • To document work that they want to reference
  • To build a portfolio of projects
  • To establish expertise and knowledge
  • To attract candidates to join their company
  • Show off your product or company

Not seeing an Artifact you'd like to check out? Click on Request an Artifact to add a request or upvote others!

What about confidential information?

Your artifacts should not include any confidential information. If there is sensitive material in a document, we will work with you to redact or obscure that information.

Every company’s culture and policy is different and you should make sure you understand yours before contributing. Showcasing artifacts is similar to a conference presentation, podcast, or blog post about your work.

Reforge artifacts is for work that fits one of these three categories:

  • Non-Sensitive: Things that do not contain any proprietary information. For example, career ladders, guides, processes, anonymized analyses, and more.
  • Historical: Work that is not future-facing and is old enough to no longer contain any proprietary information. For example, internal artifacts that are years old such as product strategies, architecture diagrams, processes, etc.
  • Public: Things already accessible to any visitor or customer of your company. For example, homepage redesigns, marketing campaigns, ad creative, new features, new products, etc.

Showcasing work benefits you, your team, your company, your company’s customers, and the industry:

  • Build Your Professional Identity: Artifacts can represent your true capabilities or expertise in a way a title and a few bullet points on a resume never will. The more you showcase your work, the more opportunities flow your way.
  • Improve Your Own Work: Artifacts allow others to build on your work enhancing it and making it better in a way you couldn’t on your own.
  • Improve Your Team: Showcasing artifacts allows your team and others to learn from you and build on those learnings.
  • Attract and Retain Talent: Showcasing work done by your team enhances employer branding and attracts new talent in the same way as creating company blogs and conference speaking. artifacts create the same value but in an easier, faster, and less expensive way.
  • Attract and Retain Customers: Through artifacts, your customers can showcase what they are creating and accomplishing in your product.
  • Accelerate Innovation: We spend a lot of time-solving problems others have already solved. Artifacts help accelerate innovation (like open source code) by enabling us to build on each other and focus our time on solving new, differentiated problems.